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Giuseppe Morabito

Member of the Advisory Board

Giuseppe, a retired Brigadier General from the Italian Army, is an independent Italian Middle East and North Africa expert. A Strategic Science graduate of Turin University (1999), he completed a postgraduate diploma at the Advanced School for International Civil Servants (S.I.O.I) in Rome (1991-2) and another in Humanistic Science at San Tommaso D’Aquino Catholic University in Rome, as well as several Master’s qualifications in International Affairs (Strategic Science, Mediterranean History, Enlarged Mediterranean, Albanian history).

Giuseppe spent most of his operational career in Bersaglieri units (Italian Light Infantry). From February to July 1997, he attended Senior Course 90 at the NATO Defense College (NDC) in Rome. From 1998-1999 he commanded the 17th Infantry Regiment, after which he served as the Chief of Staff in the Granatieri di Sardegna Brigade in Rome (1999-2003). During this period, he participated in missions in Albania, as Chief of Staff of KFOR-COMMZ (W) (2000) and as Chief of Staff of the NATO Headquarters Tirana - NHQT (2002). After his promotion to the rank of Colonel, he commanded the Sergeant School of the Italian Army in Cassino (2003) and participated in the Joint Force Operation in Bosnia Herzegovina, as SFOR Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations (from January to October 2004).

On 22nd February 2005, Giuseppe was appointed Faculty Adviser and Senior Italian Representative at the NATO Defense College. From June 2008 to June 2012 he was the Chief of the NDC Field Studies Branch, organizing all NDC Field Studies abroad. Giuseppe was assigned to the NATO Defense College, as Director of the Middle East Faculty, from July 2012 to July 2016. The Faculty organizes courses for personnel from the MENAP region (Middle East, North Africa and Pakistan/Afghanistan), and the Director engaged in liaison, study and research activities with all MENAP countries.

Since 2007 Giuseppe has collaborated as an external Researcher with three Italian Universities, focusing on the Balkans and the Middle East; he has also lectured extensively on the Middle East at leading military institutions in Italy and their counterparts in the Middle East. He has relations on matters of mutual interest with Jordan, Mauritania, Israel, Tunisia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates. Since July 2016 Giuseppe is a member of the Institute for Global Security and International Affairs (IGSDA), of the NATO Defense College Foundation (NDCF) and of the Retired Italian Officers’ Federation (UNUCI).


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