Tunisian singer Lotfi Bouchnak sends a special message to the Libyan people
رسالة صوتية من الفنان المطرب التونسي الاصيل لطفي بوشناق يعزي فيها الشعب الليبي على ما فقد من ارواح و اصابات من الكارثة التي حلت به. و قد كان متأثرا جدا و وعد بأغنية تخص الشعب الليبي في معاناته خلال الاربع و العشرين ساعة القادمه.
An audio message from the Tunisian singer, Lotfi Bouchnak, in which he offers his condolences to the Libyan people for the lives and injuries they lost as a result of the disaster that has befallen them. He was very moved and promises to sing a song about the suffering of the Libyan people over the next twenty-four hours.
Listen here: